Wednesday, November 9, 2011

My new life

As I sit here and write this, the sun has just set on another gorgeous fall day in the East.  Sun shining, multi colored leaves falling, slight breeze....sounds perfect right?  Well....almost.
Moving a month ago has made me realize a lot of things about myself.
1)  I hate change but can deal quite well with it.
A lot of you would think that I would be a nutcase having moved away from all my friends and some of my family but so far it hasn't been horrible.  We got into our apartment and after receiving our things have made it into quite a nice home for us.  Yes, we had to compromise on certain items coming into the house and yes, we don't seem to have quite enough room for everything but it feels good when I look around and I think that's all that really matters.
2)  Job hunting is an exhausting pastime.
I now know I have taken for granted the past 17 years I have worked.  Being a nanny I always had a limitless supply of people whom I knew, that needed childcare or they knew someone who was in need of childcare and offered my name.  I do not have that same network here.  All I can say is that the search has been long, frustrating and time consuming.  I know the perfect job will come along that is intended for me but it's hard to wait in the meantime.
3)  I need to have people to talk to.
I call myself the human TV guide these days because that seems to be all I am doing right now.  Well, that and going on long walks if it's nice enough outside or reading.  While none of these things are particularly bad for me, it does point out the obvious....I used to spend a lot of time with people. (Old and young people.  It's still someone to talk to...or at!)  I still talk to those same people on the phone but they all have jobs and so during the day, it's me myself and moi.  I feel bad for Chris when he finally gets home at night because I seem to talk and never shut up trying to make up for all the "quiet" times during the day.
These are just a few of the things I have noticed that seem to stand out the most. 
Yes, I miss my friends. 
Yes, I miss my old jobs.
But would I change anything to go back and be able to stay in Oregon right now?
I am here for a reason and can't wait to find out what that reason is.


  1. i am praying that God will bring you into a great community of people very soon. And missing you too. love you,

  2. Looks like an awesome Zoo. We are praying for the perfect job and friends to be found. We love you and we are so happy to hear you are adjusting and loving the new home you two have made!
